interested in discussing the raycast vehicle?

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Joined: Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:48 pm

interested in discussing the raycast vehicle?

Post by jrk »


It does not seem like anyone is very interested in discussing the raycast vehicle, but I'll try one more time.

I'm writing my own version of raycast vehicle. I'm running across functions I was going to use that are apparently “Obsolete” or deprecated. So I thought I would ask:

The force/impulse I'm applying has damping but no stiffness, so I want a “fuse” or something I can ask: “ How much force to enforce no relative motion ? “

Then I'll have an if statement that will apply the force if it isn't “too much force”. That why I will not slide around for no real reason.

Just based on what I've seen so far of the code it looks like this is how I should do what I want. I'm just looking for a little guidance. Can anyone point me to some classes, functions, examples ( I have been looking at the raycast vehicle) ?

Anyway, I plan to put in a propulsion model in and what not, I don't know if that appeals to anyone.
