Debug rendering (patch)

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Joined: Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:42 pm

Debug rendering (patch)

Post by heodox »


I just switched to using the built-in bullet debug drawing, but some shapes aren't displayed as I would like :).

Currently I only replaced cylinder and capsule rendering (not using the rest).

This is the change that included patch makes (before/after):

Code: Select all

Index: btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.cpp
--- btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.cpp	(revision 1713)
+++ btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -1034,52 +1034,48 @@
 				btScalar radius = capsuleShape->getRadius();
 				btScalar halfHeight = capsuleShape->getHalfHeight();
 				int upAxis = capsuleShape->getUpAxis();
+				btVector3 start = worldTransform.getOrigin();
-				btVector3 capStart(0.f,0.f,0.f);
-				capStart[upAxis] = -halfHeight;
+				btVector3	offsetHeight(0,0,0);
+				offsetHeight[upAxis] = halfHeight;
+				btVector3	offsetRadius(0,0,0);
-				btVector3 capEnd(0.f,0.f,0.f);
-				capEnd[upAxis] = halfHeight;
+				const int detail = 5; // do not change if using fake trig
+				const btScalar ratio = 2.*3.1415926 / detail;
+				const int up1 = (upAxis+1)%3;
+				const int up2 = (upAxis+2)%3;
+				const btScalar fakeCos[detail] = { 1, 0.309, -0.809, -0.809,  0.309 };
+				const btScalar fakeSin[detail] = { 0, 0.951,  0.588, -0.588, -0.951 };
-				// Draw the ends
-				{
-					btTransform childTransform = worldTransform;
-					childTransform.getOrigin() = worldTransform * capStart;
-					debugDrawSphere(radius, childTransform, color);
-				}
+				btVector3 offsetNext(0,0,0);
+				offsetNext[up1] = radius;
+				btVector3 offsetCap(0,0,0);
+				offsetCap[upAxis] = radius;
+				for ( int i = 0; i < detail; i++ )
-					btTransform childTransform = worldTransform;
-					childTransform.getOrigin() = worldTransform * capEnd;
-					debugDrawSphere(radius, childTransform, color);
-				}
+					offsetRadius[up1] = offsetNext[up1];
+					offsetRadius[up2] = offsetNext[up2];
-				// Draw some additional lines
-				btVector3 start = worldTransform.getOrigin();
+					/* using trig
+					btScalar nxt = ((i + 1) % detail) * ratio;
+					offsetNext[up1] = btCos(nxt) * radius;
+					offsetNext[up2] = btSin(nxt) * radius;
+					*/
+					int nxt = (i + 1) % detail;
+					offsetNext[up1] = fakeCos[nxt] * radius;
+					offsetNext[up2] = fakeSin[nxt] * radius;
-				capStart[(upAxis+1)%3] = radius;
-				capEnd[(upAxis+1)%3] = radius;
-				getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * capStart,start+worldTransform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
-				capStart[(upAxis+1)%3] = -radius;
-				capEnd[(upAxis+1)%3] = -radius;
-				getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * capStart,start+worldTransform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
+					getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight+offsetRadius),start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetRadius),color);
+					getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight+offsetRadius),start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight+offsetNext),color);
+					getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetRadius),start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetNext),color);
+					getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight+offsetRadius),start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight+offsetCap),color);
+					getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetRadius),start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight-offsetCap),color);
+				}
-				capStart[(upAxis+1)%3] = 0.f;
-				capEnd[(upAxis+1)%3] = 0.f;
-				capStart[(upAxis+2)%3] = radius;
-				capEnd[(upAxis+2)%3] = radius;
-				getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * capStart,start+worldTransform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
-				capStart[(upAxis+2)%3] = -radius;
-				capEnd[(upAxis+2)%3] = -radius;
-				getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * capStart,start+worldTransform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
@@ -1119,9 +1115,36 @@
 				btVector3	offsetHeight(0,0,0);
 				offsetHeight[upAxis] = halfHeight;
 				btVector3	offsetRadius(0,0,0);
-				offsetRadius[(upAxis+1)%3] = radius;
-				getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight+offsetRadius),start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetRadius),color);
-				getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight-offsetRadius),start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight-offsetRadius),color);
+				const int detail = 5; // do not change if using fake trig
+				const btScalar ratio = 2.*3.1415926 / detail;
+				const int up1 = (upAxis+1)%3;
+				const int up2 = (upAxis+2)%3;
+				const btScalar fakeCos[detail] = { 1, 0.309, -0.809, -0.809,  0.309 };
+				const btScalar fakeSin[detail] = { 0, 0.951,  0.588, -0.588, -0.951 };
+				btVector3 offsetNext(0,0,0);
+				offsetNext[up1] = radius;
+				for ( int i = 0; i < detail; i++ )
+				{
+					offsetRadius[up1] = offsetNext[up1];
+					offsetRadius[up2] = offsetNext[up2];
+					/* using trig
+					btScalar nxt = ((i + 1) % detail) * ratio;
+					offsetNext[up1] = btCos(nxt) * radius;
+					offsetNext[up2] = btSin(nxt) * radius;
+					*/
+					int nxt = (i + 1) % detail;
+					offsetNext[up1] = fakeCos[nxt] * radius;
+					offsetNext[up2] = fakeSin[nxt] * radius;
+					getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight+offsetRadius),start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetRadius),color);
+					getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight+offsetRadius),start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight+offsetNext),color);
+					getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetRadius),start+worldTransform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetNext),color);
+				}