interaction between ghostObject and btSoftBody

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interaction between ghostObject and btSoftBody

Post by Dena »

In my application I want a ghostObject to interact with a softbody. I want to compute the collision between a ghostObject and a btSoftBody.
I have tried to read collision information by applying the same strategy that I'm using far collision between rigid bodies, i.e. by calling the m_broadphase->getOverlappingPairCache()->findPair(pair.m_pProxy0,pair.m_pProxy1) method.
However, it seens that the size of the manifoldArray is zero.

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	btManifoldArray	manifoldArray;
	btBroadphasePairArray& pairArray = m_ghostObject->getOverlappingPairCache()->getOverlappingPairArray();
	int numPairs = pairArray.size();
	for (int i=0;i<numPairs;i++)
		const btBroadphasePair& pair = pairArray[i];

		btBroadphasePair* collisionPair = m_broadphase->getOverlappingPairCache()->findPair(pair.m_pProxy0,pair.m_pProxy1);

		if (!collisionPair)

		if (collisionPair->m_algorithm)

		for (int j=0;j<manifoldArray.size();j++){
If I collect collision information by invoking

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btBroadphasePair* collisionPair = m_broadphase->getOverlappingPairCache()->getOverlappingPairArrayPtr();
the manifoldArray is not empty, however it contains a lot of pairs even for rigid bodies. And I'm not able to handle them correctly.
In summary I don't understand the difference between findPair() and getOverlappingPairArrayPtr().