Softbody performance issue

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Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:32 pm

Softbody performance issue

Post by qtsohg »

Hey All,

I must be doing something wrong or no one else must be using Softbodies.

We are working on a football game and I am trying to use the Softbodies to be the net. Now as soon as I enable these nets, the framerate nearly halves!

I am really at the end here and do not know what I should try next.

Here is my code for the actual creation of the softbody:

Code: Select all

sint32 numTris = TriMesh.m_NumTris; // = 579
	sint32 totalVerts = TriMesh.m_NumTris*3; // = 1728
	sint32 ActualNumVerts = TriMesh.m_NumVerts; // = 319

	// lets see which ones we need to attach!
	for (int i = 0; i < ActualNumVerts; i++)
		int CountVert = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < numTris*3; j++)
			if (TriMesh.m_pIndices[j] == i)

		if ((CountVert <= 5) && i <pSoftBody->m_nodes.size())
			pSoftBody->setMass(i, 0);	
		CountVert = 0;
	// Middle one!
	pSoftBody->setMass(/*109*/96, 0);
 	btSoftBody::Material*	pm=pSoftBody->appendMaterial();
	pm->m_kLST				=	0.1f;
	pm->m_kAST				=	0.1f;
	pm->m_kVST				=	0.4f;
	pSoftBody->m_cfg.collisions	=	btSoftBody::fCollision::CL_RS;
	pSoftBody->m_cfg.kVC = 0;
	pSoftBody->m_cfg.kKHR		= 0.2f;
	// The commented lines below are different Settings on how the net reacts.
	// Please leave them in for future use.
	//  pSoftBody->m_cfg.kMT	= 0.1f;
	//  pSoftBody->setPose(false, true);
	// 	pSoftBody->m_cfg.kCHR	= 1;
	// 	pSoftBody->m_cfg.kDF	= 1;

	// 	pSoftBody->m_cfg.kSKHR_CL	= 1;
	// 	pSoftBody->m_cfg.kSRHR_CL	= 1;
	// 	pSoftBody->m_cfg.citerations = 1;
	// 	pSoftBody->m_cfg.piterations = 0;


	// Finally move the object to position
	pSoftBody->translate(pvectorTobtVector(vPosition bt_cm2m));
	// Add it to our Dynamic world
The NumTris = 576 and ActualNumVerts = 319.

And yes, I have looked at all the softbody examples multiple times. I really am at a loss.

Any pointers? Any suggestions? Please?
