muscle-like actuation in Bullet

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muscle-like actuation in Bullet

Post by hgmarques »


I'm planning to use JBullet to build a human-like actuated body. I'm quite new with Bullet; so far I have only been playing around with it, and implementing different types of rigid body constraints, but it is not clear for me yet on how to go on about implementing an simulated muscle. A muscle can be thought of as an elastic rope, which when pulled produces force in both ends of the rope, and when pushed does not produce any force in either of its ends. The basic requirements for simulating a muscle are:

- two attachment points in different rigid bodies (i.e. simulated tendons);
- the contraction of the muscle should produce forces in both rigid bodies that lead the contact points to get closer;
- the force applied in one rigid body given a certain muscle contraction is in the direction of the attachment point of the other rigid body;
- muscle extension (or relaxation) should not produce any force in any of the connected rigid bodies (this prevents me from using a default P2P constraint in its default settings);

I would really appreciated your help as Bullet experts...
