btDefaultCollisionConstructionInfo - guide

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btDefaultCollisionConstructionInfo - guide

Post by kakuro777 »

Hi all, can anyone give me some tips about particular fields in the btDefaultCollisionConstructionInfo? I cannot use default values because of hardware memory limits, so:

1. What exactly does each field of this struct do?
2. Are there any relations between fields?
3. How I can count the max memory available for Bullet based on values in the btDefaultCollisionConstructionInfo?
4. What if the simulation does not fit in applied limits?
5. What values are suitable if I have c.a. 8MB for physic simulation?

Thanks for any answers!!!

btDefaultCollisionConstructionInfo CInfo;

CInfo.m_stackAlloc = ?;
CInfo.m_persistentManifoldPool = ?;
CInfo.m_collisionAlgorithmPool = ?;
CInfo.m_defaultMaxPersistentManifoldPoolSize = ?;
CInfo.m_defaultMaxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize = ?;
CInfo.m_defaultStackAllocatorSize = ?;