Deformable mesh question

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Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:39 am

Deformable mesh question

Post by HalfdanJ »


I'm working on a dance performance where we make tracking on some dancers and get a silhuet out of it.. At the same time we have made a physics world (in bullet) of words flying around, and we want the silhuet to be a object that collides with the words. But im very new in bullet library so i need some help choosing the correct object type.. I have a list of vertices that is a simplified blob/silhuet of the person with a fixed amount of vertices in it.

I have tried to make a btConvexHullShape every frame with all the vertcies in it. And then i delete it in the end of the frame. But when objects collide with the shape the forces get a bit strange (they fly very fast away, often with crazy rotation)..

What is the correct way of doing it?

Jonas Jongejan
Recoil performance, Denmark