What is btScalar, btStackAlloc and btPoolAlloc

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What is btScalar, btStackAlloc and btPoolAlloc

Post by josafassj »

Hi everybody,
I'm starting to study the code of bullet and noticed that there's a porting in progress of the engine to XNA, but to make the study more intresting I decided to try port it by myself. I'm starting by the btCollisionWorld class, I'm not sure if its a good starting point, but my real objective is to understand the code.
I realized that the library haves a math helper and the btScalar that looks like is a typedef of float/double, btStackAlloc is a Stack structure, am I right? What the btPoolAlloc is? Is it a strutucture to keep objects?

Best wishs
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Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:50 pm

Re: What is btScalar, btStackAlloc and btPoolAlloc

Post by zzcn »

maybe the btDiscreteDynamicWorld is a really good beginning for your study, check out the helloworld in Demo, it really helps.
btScalar is float, the other two i don't know neither, but you can check it out in source coe or in the help doc on the wiki site.
there are other very useful docs on the wiki site,you may also check it out.

about the porting bullet in XNA, i don't know about XNA, but this someone has already ported bullet in torque game engine based on idea in the following article? hope it helps
http://www.garagegames.com/community/re ... view/10258