Softbody controls.

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Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:07 am

Softbody controls.

Post by MiggyE »

Hello everyone,

Great engine you have developing here. I'm particularly interested in the softbody implementation which looks pretty solid. The only thing I wish for is some better commenting and/or labeling in the code to make it easier to follow. Apart from that, great work!

Anyway, I'm wondering if it's possible to use the softbody system to simulate malleable sheets of metal. Recently, there was a talk at Siggraph about using a modified cloth system to model car damage which is something I'm interested in trying.

So I have a couple of questions:

Is there a way to control the malleability of a softbody? Ideally I would like a softbody that only deforms under high forces or high stress and otherwise acts like a rigid body.

Is it possible to simulate fracture or tearing of softbodies?

Not really related to softbodies but when will the Featherstone solver be available?
