Basic suspension using ray cast vehicle

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Joined: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:23 am

Basic suspension using ray cast vehicle

Post by gc36 »


I have been struggling with trying to tweak values to get my bullet raycast vehicle to look correct and to see some suspension effects:

Can somebody give me a basic set of suspension values to initialize the car with - assuming i need my car to be about 2.5 length, 1.5 width and say .5 in height? I have also tried the exact same values as in VehicleDemo - but don't really see much suspension effect when bouncing off a wall, braking suddenly or dropping from a height.

I have found that for the dimensions of my car - m_maxSuspensionTravelCm which is defaulted to 500 is too large (my car needs to be in the 2 meter length range) - so I changed this maxSuspensionTravelCm this to 10. However this makes the wheels go below the ground!