Integrating bulletphysics into a non-bsp game

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Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:31 pm

Integrating bulletphysics into a non-bsp game

Post by drian_ »

Hi all

I'm currently integrating bullet physics into a little game I'm working on. Now I'm looking for some advice on how to represent the game world geometry to bullet physics most efficiently. The game does not use a binary space partitioning (bsp), it rather uses a custom world representation, so I can't use the bsp shape as suggested in the documentation.
I saw that the "terrain" demo uses a tris mesh to represent a floor, so I tried this approach by filling all world geometry into a huge trish mesh. It worked to some extent, but it takes a lot of time to construct and does not perform well. So my question: What is the best approach when integrating bullet phyiscs into a non-bsp game? Is there a way to re-use the game's current optimized world-collision code instead of transforming all geometry into mesh/shape objects? Is this an easy task I could do without having to know all internal details of the bullet physics library?

Any suggestions are welcome..