Request: Details on btManifoldPoint

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Request: Details on btManifoldPoint

Post by mreuvers »

Hi there,

We're using the btManifoldPoint for our collision detection routines. However I'm missing documentation on its members, methods etc.

These are its public member variables:

Code: Select all

			btVector3 m_localPointA;			
			btVector3 m_localPointB;			
			btVector3	m_positionWorldOnB;
			///m_positionWorldOnA is redundant information, see getPositionWorldOnA(), but for clarity
			btVector3	m_positionWorldOnA;
			btVector3 m_normalWorldOnB;
			btScalar	m_distance1;
			btScalar	m_combinedFriction;
			btScalar	m_combinedRestitution;

         int	   m_partId0;
         int      m_partId1;
         int      m_index0;
         int      m_index1;
			mutable void*	m_userPersistentData;
			btScalar		m_appliedImpulse;

			bool			m_lateralFrictionInitialized;
			btScalar		m_appliedImpulseLateral1;
			btScalar		m_appliedImpulseLateral2;
			int				m_lifeTime;//lifetime of the contactpoint in frames
			btVector3		m_lateralFrictionDir1;
			btVector3		m_lateralFrictionDir2;
First: why are there getters and setters if ALL members are publicly accessible? Next, what is A and what is B? Why is m_positionWorldOnA redundant? There is no info in getPositionWorldOnA() for that. And if it's redundant, why is it still there?

What's distance1? appliedImpulseLateral1? appliedImpulseLateral2? Does 1 map to A and 2 to B?

Help! ;-)

