Differences between Debug and Release (Character controller)

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Differences between Debug and Release (Character controller)

Post by Nino »

Hi everyone,

I am using the Bullet SDK for our game and I have implemented a class allowing to control the main character.

The problem is that I don't get the same result in terms of velocities, between debug and release. Why does it change ? I don't really get it :(

The class that I have implemented is based on the CharacterController example. In debug mode, the character moves with a certain velocity (I use the function m_rigidBody->setLinearVelocity (velocity)) and the demo works at about 1000 fps. In release mode, the character moves a lot faster while the demo runs at 3200 fps.

How can I do to keep my character moving at the same velocity, whatever the working mode ?
The only solution I found until then is to put maxSubSteps of the simulationStep to 0. I just know that this is a bad solution.

Thanks in advance,