Softbody-RigidBody Collisions

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Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2007 1:06 pm

Softbody-RigidBody Collisions

Post by Flix »

I've recently discovered while playing around with Bullet that rigid bodies collide only with the vertices (nodes) of the soft bodies and not with the soft body faces too ( faces seem to be used for raycasting only ).
Is this the correct and wanted behavior or it's my fault and I'm missing some option?

The collision with soft nodes only might be good (and probably faster) for small and highly tesseleted soft meshes, but it's bad for soft meshes with low tesselation. Is there (or will be) some option to activate face collisions too?

Another question: what are the collision options that include a "mask" (or something like that: I can't look through the code at the moment) ?

Thank you for your support.
Posts: 145
Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:23 pm

Re: Softbody-RigidBody Collisions

Post by chunky »

Another question: what are the collision options that include a "mask" (or something like that: I can't look through the code at the moment) ?

One day the wiki will come alive again and I can copy all that stuff into it *cough* :-D

Gary (-;
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Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:44 am

Re: Softbody-RigidBody Collisions

Post by Nathanael »

Is this the correct and wanted behavior or it's my fault and I'm missing some option?
Collisions handling for soft body faces / rigid body shapes are currently in active development.
