Querying object location with Bullet

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Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:29 am

Querying object location with Bullet

Post by mag827 »


I'm pretty new to Bullet, so please forgive me if I ask something trivial.

In my project, I've a scene with a lot of objects which stay put most of the time. If I add a new object to the scene, I need to know if it will affect the physics of other objects already in the scene (They don't have to contact.. just being close would make something happens)

e.g. If the new object is added at say (2, 10, 15) then the objects that are around this location should do something.

Since collision detection won't work in my case, so, should I build a custom geometric data structure to query locations of nearby object, or just use query AABB with btDbvtBroadphase to detect object close by?

Also can I override needBroadPhaseCollision() from btOverlapFilterCallback to capitalize on my knowledge of the scene (objects stay put most of the time)?

Sorry for the English...

Thank You