simulating a wind sock using soft body

Posts: 178
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:20 pm

simulating a wind sock using soft body

Post by gjaegy »

Hi everybody,

I am currently trying to simulate a wind sock using the latest soft body features.

I made some good progress, I managed to set some fixed points using the setMass(x, 0) method.

However, I can't find out how to apply wind to the wind sock. I have tried using addForce(), however it seems the force is not a constant force, it seems to get attenuated with the time.

Which method should I use to apply a constant wind to my soft body ?

This is the code I use right now, if that helps...

Code: Select all

m_pSoftBody = btSoftBodyHelpers::CreateFromTriMesh(*m_pPhysicWrapper->GetSoftBodyWorldInfo(), 
delete[] pVertices;

for (imInt i = 0; i < m_pSoftBody->m_nodes.size(); ++i)
	if (m_pSoftBody->m_nodes[i].m_x.getZ() < 1.3f)
		m_pSoftBody->setMass(i, 0);

btSoftBody::Material* pm = m_pSoftBody->appendMaterial();
pm->m_kLST					=	0.4;
pm->m_flags					-=	btSoftBody::fMaterial::DebugDraw;

//m_pSoftBody->m_cfg.piterations	= 5;
m_pSoftBody->m_cfg.kDF			=	1;//0.5;
m_pSoftBody->m_cfg.kMT			=	0.05;

m_pSoftBody->m_cfg.kSRHR_CL		=	1;//0.5;
m_pSoftBody->m_cfg.kSR_SPLT_CL	=	0;//0.5;
m_pSoftBody->m_cfg.collisions	=	btSoftBody::fCollision::CL_SS + btSoftBody::fCollision::CL_RS;

//m_pSoftBody->setTotalMass(m_fMass);//, imTRUE);

PostBodyCreation(); // adding body to world

m_pSoftBody->addForce(btVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f));
Thanks !
Posts: 178
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: simulating a wind sock using soft body

Post by gjaegy »

nobody ?

OK, I managed to apply a constant force, by simply calling addForce each frame.
It doesn't look that bad, the only issue I have is that the sock cloth seems to overlap with itself, e.g. the surface of the sock intersects with itself.
I guess I need to get familier and play with all the soft body parameters... there are quite a few !
If anybody has an idea, please let me know !