Constraints after convex decomposition

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Constraints after convex decomposition

Post by Stanislav »

Good day!

First of all, thank you very much for a Bullet. It greatly helps!

What i want to get... I want to use a decomposed object with constraints between its parts. In the moment of collision some costraints (acording to some rule) should be deleted. As the result the object wont be destroyed, but will be fractured on few large parts and may be some kind of "dust" (small parts). As i understand there is no any algorithm to do it (all constraints can not be removed automatically according to the power which affects the body) by Bullet, so I'll try to make by myself. I use an appConvesDecompositionDemo for decomposing the object. But i dont understand how to add constraints to its parts... They dont present in code as btRigidBodies...

Thank you.