Trouble with btRigidBody::setDamping

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Trouble with btRigidBody::setDamping

Post by TomorrowPlusX »


I'm new to bullet -- porting a project from ODE and learning as I go. Now, I just took a stab at damping, using btRigidBody::setDamping and it seems to do nothing at all. (A search of this forum reveals that I'm not the only person seeing little to no effect when using setDamping.)

Now, the interesting thing is that values from [0->1] produce little to no difference, no observable damping. But a "huge" value, in my case 10.0, resulted in an object being locked in place, just as I would expect from a value of 1 do.

Does this ring any bells for anybody? Am I misunderstanding the way damping works, or is it just "broken"?
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Re: Trouble with btRigidBody::setDamping

Post by TomorrowPlusX »

I'm sorry; it turns out I was being boneheaded -- since I'm porting ODE code, and since I was damping in a different manner in my ODE code, I was actually passing the reciprocal of the desired damping, not the intended value.
