Strange Deactivation State changes.

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Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:51 am

Strange Deactivation State changes.

Post by Dr. DOX »

Hi, I've a simple object under gravity force and a counter-force applied in opposite direction. At start, the deactivation state is ACTIVE_TAG and the counter-force changes constantly. After some seconds the object freeze and your activation state goes to ISLAND_SLEEPING. The counter-force continue to change but the object stay in ISLAND_SLEEPING forever. Can you explain the behavior? Many thanks, bye
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Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:33 am
Location: Bern, Switzerland

Re: Strange Deactivation State changes.

Post by benelot »

An island is a number of bodies in contact with each other. Your island is the simple object, as it did not move under gravity and counter force, it went to sleep. It can only be awakend by being hit by something else, from my knowledge you can not wake it by applying a force. Other than that, you can use the activate to make it active again. The deactivation can cause strange effects as you realized, but is very good for load reduction on cpu for objects that do not move anyway.