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Custom collision masks won't disable collisions

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 2:15 am
by agoose77
Hi all,

I'm implementing a Python API for the collision masks in the Blender Game Engine, and I've run into a snag.

Whenever I change the collision group/mask, I call a Refresh function which invokes this code:

Code: Select all

		// Refresh collision controller
		// Ensure the object isn't sleeping to ensure collisions are possible
The latter line is a remnant of previous attempts which fixed the problem by calling UpdateCCDPhysicsController.

Long story short, this code works, unless the object is already colliding, such as resting on a floor plane, in which case it remains stuck.

Another issue I have noticed is that taking the total force from collision contact points doesn't seem to add to a sensible number. Any ideas here?