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Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:54 am
by iphoniac
Hello everybody. I have a 3d scene with objects in an iPhone game. All objects have a rigid body with 1.0 mass and a (0,0,0) gravity system so the objects move free.

Each 2 seconds I duplicate an object (so all are same size, not very big), set status to ACTIVE_TAG and add to the scene with an impulse (applyImpulse or setLinearVelocity, I´ve tried both)

Some duplicated objects change to status DISABLE_SIMULATION in a random point of the execution. I´ve traced the code and found the point where status is changed, in Bullet´s btCollisionWorld::updateAabbs():

Code: Select all


       btTransform predictedTrans;
       for ( int i=0;i<m_collisionObjects.size();i++)
          btCollisionObject* colObj = m_collisionObjects[i];

          //only update aabb of active objects
          if (colObj->isActive())
             btVector3 minAabb,maxAabb;
             colObj->getCollisionShape()->getAabb(colObj->getWorldTransform(), minAabb,maxAabb);
             //need to increase the aabb for contact thresholds
             btVector3 contactThreshold(gContactBreakingThreshold,gContactBreakingThreshold,gContactBreakingThreshold);
             minAabb -= contactThreshold;
             maxAabb += contactThreshold;

             btBroadphaseInterface* bp = (btBroadphaseInterface*)m_broadphasePairCache;

             //moving objects should be moderately sized, probably something wrong if not
             if ( colObj->isStaticObject() || ((maxAabb-minAabb).length2() < btScalar(1e12)))
                bp->setAabb(colObj->getBroadphaseHandle(),minAabb,maxAabb, m_dispatcher1);
             } else
                //something went wrong, investigate
                //this assert is unwanted in 3D modelers (danger of loosing work)
                colObj->setActivationState(DISABLE_SIMULATION);                                  <- This is the place

                static bool reportMe = true;
                if (reportMe && m_debugDrawer)
                   reportMe = false;
                   m_debugDrawer->reportErrorWarning("Overflow in AABB, object removed from simulation");
                   m_debugDrawer->reportErrorWarning("If you can reproduce this, please email\n");
                   m_debugDrawer->reportErrorWarning("Please include above information, your Platform, version of OS.\n");
Not an expert in Bullet but it seems like some kind of problem in bullet. What is this and how can I solve it?? My objects aren´t too big.
I´m looking for memory leaks in my code that could cause a problem but any help will be much appreciated.

PD: I´m using Bullet 2.73.



Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:37 am
by acron^
Try this thread: ... php?t=3076

Does this fix your issue?