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Frequent crashing on stepSimulation call

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:12 pm
I get frequent exceptions on the stepSimulation call when using btPoint2PointConstraint. Here is my call stack:

Code: Select all

 	msvcr120.dll!000007fec6a13304()	Unknown
 	msvcr120.dll!000007fec6a0db8c()	Unknown
 	msvcr120.dll!000007fec6a14a46()	Unknown
 	msvcr120.dll!000007fec6a0ddc1()	Unknown
 	VPPathCalculator.dll!btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver::solveGroupCacheFriendlySetup(class btCollisionObject * *,int,class btPersistentManifold * *,int,class btTypedConstraint * *,int,struct btContactSolverInfo const &,class btIDebugDraw *)	C++
 	VPPathCalculator.dll!btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver::solveGroup(class btCollisionObject * *,int,class btPersistentManifold * *,int,class btTypedConstraint * *,int,struct btContactSolverInfo const &,class btIDebugDraw *,class btDispatcher *)	C++
 	VPPathCalculator.dll!InplaceSolverIslandCallback::processConstraints(void)	C++
 	VPPathCalculator.dll!btDiscreteDynamicsWorld::solveConstraints(struct btContactSolverInfo &)	C++
 	VPPathCalculator.dll!btDiscreteDynamicsWorld::internalSingleStepSimulation(float)	C++
 	VPPathCalculator.dll!btDiscreteDynamicsWorld::stepSimulation(float,int,float)	C++

Re: Frequent crashing on stepSimulation call

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 10:47 am
by hyyou
remove rigidBody before constraint from the world?

Re: Frequent crashing on stepSimulation call

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:56 am
by jad albert wrote:I get frequent exceptions on the stepSimulation call when using btPoint2PointConstraint. Here is my call stack:
TragusInfantigoRx Drugs

It might be the case that it crashes amid Multiplayer , you will normally get kicked to the dashboard where you can basically restart it. In some instances a crash happens while playing Campaign, you should restart the program and after that begin from your last spare or checkpoint.