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Convert mesh into dynamics data

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:10 pm
by devqq
Hi everyone,

I am trying to convert a mesh (a dinasaur) into a ragdoll, so I have a list of affected vertices/triangles for each bone which tell me what the bone influences.
This model is already skinned and animated so I know everything is correct.

I am trying to work out how to create bullet data from this by using each mesh part and then joining them together with constraints.
My idea was to use some kinda program to estimate if its better to create a simple primitive like capsule, sphere, box or if that's not adequate then create a convex hull.
From what I understand a convex hull is much slower? Or would it be feasible to just create a convex hull for everything? with v-hacd?

Searching google I did find these links which have a program which is meant to be what I need however these links are dead and I can't find them anywhere else.

This is for a mobile game so I kind of need good performance with 30+ ragdolls at any one time, does anyone have any advice for me?


Re: Convert mesh into dynamics data

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:52 pm
by benelot
Hi devqq,

If you are thinking about performance, then create two separate models for your game, one for graphics (the one you have) and the one for physics (a very simple one, best created from primitives or simple convex hulls). You should not try to use the same model for both of them, the collision checks would be very expensive. If you want to do a sort of simple coversion, you can create simple convex hulls using Blender.