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V-Clip patent expired

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 5:21 am
by sherm
Many of you are aware of Brian Mirtich's annoying patent on the V-Clip algorithm. I just noticed that Mitsubishi neglected to pay the maintenance fee that was due in 2012 so the patent expired in June, 2012!

So in case you've been avoiding V-Clip because of the patent, have at it!


Re: V-Clip patent expired

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:34 pm
by Erwin Coumans
Thanks for sharing Sherm, that is good news.

I received some contribution to add a V-Clip based convex polyhedral collision detection to Bullet in the past,
and didn't use it in part of the patent but also because Bullet has a more general purpose alternative GJK+EPA,
MPR and SAT. It could be useful to add it as an alternative/comparison.

I created an issue but can't tell when I get time for it: