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Can bullet be used in this way?

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:20 pm
by JSwigart
Say you have a simulation with many bodies where you only want to resolve penetrations among your bodies to a non penetration state, but don't actually want the simulation to impart velocities on the objects of the scene. Can the library be used in this way? Alternately I suppose one could ignore the velocities of the body from bullet and just set them all to 0 or something, but are there any side effects to this that might be problematic?

Essentially what I have is a large simulation of 5000-10000 entities which are a mix of upright characters(whether by character controllers or simple capsules), and a bunch of rectangular boxes representing vehicles, on a trimesh terrain with buildings, some trimesh some primitives. What I'm looking for out of the physics simulation is a very lightweight physics burden of just a way to prevent and resolve penetrations, and some basic sliding behavior so that 2 character capsules could slide off each other. I'm using PhysX 3.X currently and while I like the API, it lacks double precision support which is a big motivator to look elsewhere.

Essentially I'm looking for a solution to managing penetration resolution only and optional basic sliding when integrating input velocities in an environment that is beyond the scale of most physics engines, where quantity in the simulation is essentially more important than quality.

I'm hopeful given that the library appears to be split into separate components in the source, that there is a combination of reduced functionality that could perhaps be used to get me to a larger scale simulation

Hope that makes some sense.