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Simplified Collision Detection

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:38 am
by kabbotta
I'm writing a game that models the top portion of a skyscraper and all of its internal rooms with a modular style. My need for physics is pretty minimal (similar to Knights of the Old Republic). There probably won't even be gravity, but the player does need to travel between different floors by using ramps and/or stairs.

I got all of the collision shapes setup by reading in simplified versions of the meshes. I tried to use the CharacterDemo to build a DynamicCharacterController, but after reading more I've decided a simpler, and kinematic approach might be better.

So how would you do this with bullet? My main idea is to simply use a raycast going forward from the player and one going down, and then handle those simple collisions manually using a btCollisionWorld instead of using bullet's full btDynamicWorld.

Here's the project for reference:

Most of the relevant code is in the /src/systems/MapSystem and /src/systems/PhysicsSystem classes. It still has the basic rigid body, dynamic setup for now.