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constraint generate undesirable movement

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:22 pm
by gdlk
Hi there!

I am using several hinge and slider constraints in a cascade way attached to a btRaycastVehicle (for example, if the vehicle is C and the objects are X, Y, Z and W, I will have C -> hinge -> A -> slider -> B -> hinge -> C -> slider -> D ). With that, I have 2 issue:

- 1) if the rear wheels are turned into large angles (for example over 60°), the vehicle start moving backwards.
- 2) if another object (for example a box) with big mass (over 500kg) is put on the last part of the constraint cascade (object D in the example), the vehicle start move (the move dependes where the object was taked. For example, if the object is taked in the left border, the vehicle start move to the right)

For the first issue, I can resolve it making mirror ghost objects constrained in the same way that the originals objects. Thats mean, if A is in (1,0,0) I create a A_clone obj in (-1,0,0) and so on. However, I dont think is the right way to solve it... For the second issue the same trick dont work.

The issues dont show when no constraint is attached to the vehicle. I am using MLCP solver with Dantzig.

So, the question are: There is a better way to resolve the first issue? Why could happen the second issue?

Any idea or advice would be great!