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hampered rotation

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:22 pm
by ananas
I have a btCompoundShape obtained from a appHACDDemo (and Convex Decomposition tool) after processing a concave mesh.
I attached three cuboids (btConvexHull's) to the rim of the rotating wheel (the decomposed shape) by using btGeneric6DofConstraint's and
set angular and linear limits to 0 to make the cuboids firmly fastened. The axle of the wheel is fastened with btHingeConstraint.
After turning the rotational motor on, the wheel starts to rotate but it seems like something is hampering the rotation. Moreover other three rigid bodies attached to the
inner rim of the wheel with btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint get deflected as if they touched some other body. This is probably the reason of hampered rotation.
I turned on debug drawer but it doesn't show any bodies that could disturb the rotation..
If I set angular lower and upper limits to btVector3(0., -0.001, -0.001) and btVector3(0., 0.001, 0.001) respectively the symptoms seem to cease.
The wheel diameter sticks to the x axis.

The movie showing the scene is available here. I apologoize for its quality,
as I just recorded LCD screen. I couldn't have found suitable screen capture software for linux, that would work with nvidia driver.
I tried to dump frames but it disturbs rendering.

I'd be grateful if someone could explain these symptoms.