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Y-Axis bug in 6Dof

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:06 pm
by Dragonlord
I would like to see if somebody else has this bug in 2.82 . I take a simple door object, a box of something like size=(0.1, 2, 1.2) at (0,1,0) with a 6Dof constraint attached to the fixed body at (0,0,0) with 0 gravity. Now the following happens (angles always converted to radians).

1) x-axis range -80->80, y-axis range 0->0, z-axis range 0->0: push the door and it moves correctly
2) x-axis range 0->0, y-axis range 0->0, z-axis range -80->80: push the door and it moves correctly
3) x-axis range 0->0, y-axis range -80->80, z-axis range 0->0: push the door and it explodes once hitting the limits

You can combine all of those but as soon as I use an y-axis range which is <-70 or >70 the simulation explodes. Any idea what could be the bug? It seems only th y-axis is affected by the problem which is strange.