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using convexSweepTest...

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:19 am
by marksibly

I'm looking at using btCollisionWorld::convexSweepTest to perform my own collision response with a capsule shaped object. Basically, I just want the capsule to hit something and stop (for now).

Am I correct in thinking that by interpolating between the start and end points of the sweep using ClosestConvexResultCallback::m_closestHitFraction, the capsule will correctly stop at the 'nearest' point to the first thing it hits? It appears to, but I'm not totally sure what I'm doing here...

Could I then use the m_hitNormalWorld to perform FPS style 'sliding' collisions?

What about object rotation? Currently, the capsule doesn't rotate, but if it did, could I also use m_closestHitFraction to interpolate between start and end rotations? I store my rotations as quats - would doing a slerp between these work, or does bullet interpolate rotations differently?

Thanks for any hints!
