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Creating invisible collision object

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:46 pm
by mfanton
Hi everyone,

I'm quite new to the bullet physics engine and C++ in general, and was wondering if someone could give me any advice or example code on how to create an invisible box rigidbody. I can create the box rigidbody and put it into my world, but can not figure out how to make this box invisible (ie still collides with other objects but is completely see-through). I've done some searching on these forums and couldn't find anything.

I understand the easiest way to do this is to create the collision object, and simply not render it. From what I understand the motion state is what links the collision shape to the OpenGL rendering. Would I have to create a custom motion state for my rigidbody?

Any advice (or example code) would be much appreciated, thanks!

Re: Creating invisible collision object

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:25 am
by rebirth
Your question is rather strange. Bullet doesn't do any rendering. You just create the rigidbody using a box shape and stick it in the dynamic world.

Job done.