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Attaching dynamic rigidbody to kinematic controller

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:00 am
by rebirth
I've tried a few methods by trying to activate and deactivate the rigidbody and attaching it using a separate attachment system I wrote to establish body parts (like a skeletal system and is separate from Bullet). However, the rigidbody had no collision testing when it was attached and was made kinematic whilst carrying it. Deactivating it could also be problematic if it was dropped whilst intersecting with the geometry (I rendered the attached body with glDepthMask disabled for visual purposes), as it sometimes went through the wall when turning it back to a dynamic body.

I've been searching around for a solution to keep the rigidbody dynamic so it would be affected by other geometry. For example, I would like it to collide with walls etc and for me to create a tolerance system to force a detachment of the body. I've looked at some comments about using a hinge (I'm still quite new to Bullet), but these are for connecting rigid bodies and the character controller doesn't use a rigidbody.

I was wondering if somebody could share with me a workable solution in the way of code or just highlight the steps required.
