Most accurate mesh <-> mesh collision

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Most accurate mesh <-> mesh collision

Post by pwiecz »

I want to find out if two arbitrary triangle meshes collide.
I don't need it to be fast, as I'm not going to run it in real-time, but as a batch simulation, but I want it to be accurate.
I was using btGImpactMeshShape, which works correctly for most meshes, but for some of them it does not detect collisions (although debug drawing them I can see they are clearly colliding).

Are there any knobs in gImpact to make it accurate at the cost of the speed?
Alternatively, can I make btBvhTriangleMeshShape detect collisions with other btBvhTriangleMeshShapes?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Most accurate mesh <-> mesh collision

Post by drleviathan »

I don't know much about btGImpactMeshShapes but do I know btBvhTriangleMeshShapes cannot collide against each other.

If you aren't running real-time why don't you spend pre-processing time to generate convex decompositions of your mesh shapes and use that data to create accurate collection of btConvexHullShapes that are stored in a btCompoundShape?
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Re: Most accurate mesh <-> mesh collision

Post by pwiecz »

Thanks for the suggestion.
I hope it won't lead to explosion in number of convex hull shapes, especially for shapes with many smooth convex surfaces (e.g. toroidal ones).
But there's only way too find out. :)