btCompoundCollisionAlgorithm - How to limit contact number?

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btCompoundCollisionAlgorithm - How to limit contact number?

Post by Khanovich »

Hey Guys,

I'm implementing btCompoundShape for convex decomposition of concave moving objects. For very simple shapes that could ideally be represented by 4 convex shapes, the convex decomposition still seems to decompose the objects into about 10 different shapes. When these two objects collide on co-planar faces bullet returns over 100 valid contact points. Technically in a collision like this, all points are necessary. In fact the same collision with a btGImpactConvexDecomposition object will only return a few contact points.

Is there a way to force the btCompoundShape to return less contact points, or at least filter it for the most important once (whatever that would mean)? This is the one thing preventing me from switching to btCompoundShape from btGimpactConvexDecompositionShape for collisions.
