Looking for a softbody book

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Looking for a softbody book

Post by rohezal »

Hi guys,

I would like to buy an advanced book about bullet. I am a master computer science student and had a course on computer physics (particles, gravity, mass spring model, rigid body model, fluids with lagrange and euler grid). I know most of the theoretical stuff bullet provides, but I don't know how to use bullet and what bullet can do. I want to use it for my master thesis. Is there a good advanced book for modeling with bullet?

Does bullet support keyframes (I hacked them myself but anyway maybe someone did it allready)? Is there some information about the parameters in softbody m_cfg and Softbody material? I read the comments and understand hooks law and volume conservation. But more then one line of documentation would be nice. Is there information about the setPose function for softbody?