Bullet (projectile) simulation for an MMO

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Joined: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:30 am

Bullet (projectile) simulation for an MMO

Post by Samhayne »

Hi guys,

For our MMO I'm just evaluating whether it's possible to have
the players firing real bullets.

A raycast wouldn't be sufficient, yet the bullet would fly in
a straight line for some time, then vanish.
The firing rate is quite high, though.

As I said, it's an MMO... so... depending on the number of
servers sharing the work it's hundreds to maybe 8000 players
(scattered over different maps - each one simulated on it's own)

I don't think it's possible but still I'm thinking about it.

My current idea would be something like this:
Let the game client decide which targets are currently hitable
and give the server this list so he would need to do collision
checks only for those.
So it's... usually only 1-5 primitive colliders each bullet would
need to check for overlapping.

Yet, I don't see a way to set this up in bullet.
Collision masks won't be sufficient.

Next problem would be CCD... i figure in Bullet I can only set it
up for the whole world but not per object?

Would I want a sphere to represent a bullet?
In fact a bullet raycast from old_pos to new_pos would sound far more
sensible to me... (and would solve the CCD problem)

Any complete different idea how to approach this problem?
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:36 pm

Re: Bullet (projectile) simulation for an MMO

Post by RdR »

You could do multiple raycasts over time.
Using the current projectile position as ray start and interpolate the end position