debugDrawer won't render anything!

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debugDrawer won't render anything!

Post by darthtelle »

Hi! I'm relatively new to using Bullet, but I'm building some physic sims for my dissertation! I built a new class inheriting from btIDebugDraw, which included functions for drawLine etc. It's very similar to GLDebugDrawer.h. I then create an instance of it in my main.cpp and then call:

dynamicsWorld->setDebugDrawer( &debugDrawer );
dynamicsWorld->getDebugDrawer()->setDebugMode( btIDebugDraw::DBG_DrawWireframe );

And then in my main I call:

dynamicsWorld->stepSimulation( 1/60.f, 10 );

But nothing happens! Am I doing something wrong? It runs the program but doesn't display anything. I followed the User Manual, so I'm not sure what else I should be implementing!
Any ideas!? Thank you!
Chantelle x