Creating a Vision Model Using Bullet

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Joined: Tue Sep 13, 2016 3:43 pm

Creating a Vision Model Using Bullet

Post by Tearhead »

Hey there! I'm trying to create a vision model where I can create a cone/frustum for vision and whenever it intersects an object (cubes) it returns values inherent to that object (colour, size, etc.). Will bullet alone allow me to do all of this? if not what other resources can I use? Also how difficult would it be to do all I just stated? I'm fairly new to all of this as a coder, but really would like to learn.

Thanks for any help given!
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Re: Creating a Vision Model Using Bullet

Post by S1L3nCe »

Bullet can help you to detect collisions and get body/shape cube settings.
For graphic settings, you will need to set them in your code and then in relevant Bullet body user pointer (m_userObjectPointer). You will then be able to retrieve them in collision detection.