Modeling scenarios with constraints.

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Modeling scenarios with constraints.

Post by Dr. DOX »


This is a post request clarification about the right architecture to use in case we have different usage constraints.

I have two scenarios with many constraints I have to blend:

1. One (or> 1) object has constraints internally (think to a robot arm, for example).

2. Different objects (with your dynamics) have to be "composed", linked together with constraints (the robot arm can be mounted on a support, for example an underwater ROV).

In case 1, Which is the structure of RigidBody we have to adopt? Assuming we have a BoundingVolume (or simpler shape like a box) for all sub-components (for example one BV for fingers, one for the arm, one for forearm, etc ...), we have to pack them in a CompoundShape. Then we have to setup constraints but, in general, the components falls under gravity in a real scenario, so the whole object collapses on yourself. A robotic arm have to stay in a neutral position (in counter-gravity condition) and we have to use motors forces to move the constraints. Which is the right way?

In case 2, we have similar problem like point 1. Additionally, we have the chain interaction: for example, if the robot arm is constrained to a platform and takes an heavy object, maybe the platform (and the arm) capsizes over the weight attached to the arm itself. How to handles this type of interaction?

I just need an overall clarification about how to modeling Those scenarios. Looking to constraint example, I can not really figure out the situation Because there are no "externals" forces / simulations applied to the RigidBody.

Can you address me to a right way?

Many thanks, bye