Adding Spatial Hashing broadphase

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Adding Spatial Hashing broadphase

Post by tangletail »

Hello everyone! I'm a relatively new user of bullet, and I'm looking to add particle collisions to my game engine. Both particles to particles, and particles to object.

So... while doing a bit of research, I couldn't find much information about which of the broadphases would be better suited for this sort of requirement. So I decided to try and implement spatial hashing, since that seems to be really good at point cloud structures. And if carefully sized, seems to do a pretty good job in general.

But I've run into another problem... I'm trying to support a world of at least 25^2 km. And due to the properties of hashing... depending on the size, a 3D spatial index can take a lot of space on a computer's ram.

Does anyone have any suggestions here?