Issue with Maya 2015

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Issue with Maya 2015

Post by jszirani »


I am currently using Maya 2015 and I've encountered a strange behavior with the plugin that is shipped with it

So, what I do is this:

1) start Maya
2) change my units from cm to meters
3) add a box with (7.267, 7.529, 2.991) as extents
4) select it and click "Create a passive Rigid Body Object" in the Bullet Tab
5) Switch the object from "Kinematic Body" to "Static Body"
6) then I do "File->Export All" and chose type as "bullet"

Then, when I load the file and output the AABB of the CubeShape, it returns me : ( 7.267456, 7.528631, 2.991060 )

After that, if I do the following:

7) Change "Collider Properties" -> "Collider Shape" Type from "box" to "compound"
8) Export again

Then, if I output the AABB of the CubeShape, it returns me : ( 726.825623, 752.943115, 299.185944 )

Does anyone know why that is ?

There's also that message: // Error: line 1: Cannot find procedure "refitCollisionShape". but I've no idea what it means.

Is the bullet plugin that is shipped with Maya open source ?

Another thing I noticed: if I try to export on a file that is read only, then Maya crashes

Cheers !
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Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:12 pm

Re: Issue with Maya 2015

Post by catchyid »

Hi, this is a late reply, hope it would be helpful. The plugin that comes with Autodesk maya is proprietary, i.e. you don't have its source code. Initially when I started using this plugin, lots of things were broken, so I've decided to use bullet directly using bullet API. It's a longer route, but if you have time it's worth it.

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