raycast suspension and weight

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Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:01 pm

raycast suspension and weight

Post by gdlk »


I am trying to attach a hopper over a vehicle. All works fine except when load the hopper. If drop something inside it (with lateral offset respect center of mass) , the vehicle start moving in lateral direction (respect chassis forward direction, opposite to offset). I think the problem is in the suspension, because the raycast "wheels" where there is more weight will apply more impulse to the chassis in their position (respect the impulses applied by the other wheels), that generate angular velocity in the chassis and somehow that generate the issue in the next steps (other clue is that disabling all the other modules in the vehicle (lateral/forward friction) the issue still show). Anyone have this problem before? the problem assumption is reasonable? if so, any tips to resolve it?
