Bullet Collision Detection & Physics Library
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CBT_BOX_BOX_TRANSFORM_CACHEClass for transforming a model1 to the space of model0
 CBT_QUANTIZED_BVH_NODEBtQuantizedBvhNode is a compressed aabb node, 16 bytes
 CbtAABBAxis aligned box
 CbtActionInterfaceBasic interface to allow actions such as vehicles and characters to be updated inside a btDynamicsWorld
 CbtAlignedAllocator< T, Alignment >The btAlignedAllocator is a portable class for aligned memory allocations
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Anchor, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< bool, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< bParse::bChunkInd, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< bParse::bNameInfo, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< bParse::bStructHandle *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< bStructHandle *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< BT_QUANTIZED_BVH_NODE, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btActionInterface *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btAlignedObjectArray< btCell32 >, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btAlignedObjectArray< const btDbvtNode * >, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btAlignedObjectArray< double >, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btAlignedObjectArray< int >, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btAlignedObjectArray< unsigned int >, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btBatchedConstraints::Range, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btBroadphasePair, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btBvhSubtreeInfo, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btChunk *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btCollisionAlgorithm *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btCollisionObject *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btCollisionShape *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btCompoundShapeChild, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btConstraintSolverPoolMt::ThreadSolver, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btConvexHullComputer::Edge, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btConvexHullInternal::Vertex *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btDbvt::sStkNN, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btElement, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btFace, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btGImpactMeshShapePart *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btHashInt, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btHashKey< btTriIndex >, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btHashPtr, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btHashString, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btIndexedMesh, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btMaterial *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btMaterialProperties, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btMatrix3x3, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btMultiBody *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btMultiBodyConstraint *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btMultibodyLink, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btMultiBodySolverConstraint *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btMultiBodySolverConstraint, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btOptimizedBvh *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btOptimizedBvhNode, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btPersistentManifold *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btPlane, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btPointerUid, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btQuantizedBvhNode, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btQuaternion, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btRigidBody *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btScalar *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btScalar, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolverMt::btContactManifoldCachedInfo, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolverMt::JointParams, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btSimplePair, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btSimulationIslandManagerMt::Island *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btSoftBody *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btSoftBody::Node *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btSolverBody, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btSolverConstraint *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btSolverConstraint, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btSparseSdf::Cell *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btStridingMeshInterfaceData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btTransform, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btTriangle, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btTriangleIndexVertexArray *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btTriangleInfoMap *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btTriIndex, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btTypedConstraint *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btTypedConstraint::btConstraintInfo1, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btVector3, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btVector3DoubleData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btVector3FloatData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< btWheelInfo, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< char *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< char, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< class btHullTriangle *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Cluster *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< const btCollisionObject *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< const btDbvtNode *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< const char *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< const class btCollisionObject *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< ConvexH::HalfEdge, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< ePSolver::_, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< eVSolver::_, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Face, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< GIM_BVH_DATA, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< GIM_BVH_TREE_NODE, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< GIM_CONTACT, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< GIM_PAIR, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< int *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< int, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Island *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Joint *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Key, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Link, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Material *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Node, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Note, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< RContact, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< SContact, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< short *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< short int *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< short, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btCollisionObjectDoubleData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btCollisionObjectFloatData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btCollisionShapeData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btDynamicsWorldDoubleData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btDynamicsWorldFloatData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btQuantizedBvhDoubleData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btQuantizedBvhFloatData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btRigidBodyDoubleData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btRigidBodyFloatData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btSoftBodyDoubleData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btSoftBodyFloatData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btTypedConstraintData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btTypedConstraintDoubleData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< struct btTypedConstraintFloatData *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< T, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Tetra, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< unsigned char *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< unsigned int, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< unsigned short int, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< Value, 16 >
 CbtAlignedAllocator< void *, 16 >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< T >The btAlignedObjectArray template class uses a subset of the stl::vector interface for its methods It is developed to replace stl::vector to avoid portability issues, including STL alignment issues to add SIMD/SSE data
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Anchor >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< bool >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< bParse::bChunkInd >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< bParse::bNameInfo >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< bParse::bStructHandle * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< bStructHandle * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< BT_QUANTIZED_BVH_NODE >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btActionInterface * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btAlignedObjectArray< btCell32 > >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btAlignedObjectArray< const btDbvtNode * > >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btAlignedObjectArray< double > >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btAlignedObjectArray< int > >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btAlignedObjectArray< unsigned int > >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btBatchedConstraints::Range >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btBroadphasePair >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btBvhSubtreeInfo >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btChunk * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btCollisionAlgorithm * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btCollisionObject * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btCollisionShape * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btCompoundShapeChild >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btConstraintSolverPoolMt::ThreadSolver >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btConvexHullComputer::Edge >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btConvexHullInternal::Vertex * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btDbvt::sStkNN >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btElement >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btFace >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btGImpactMeshShapePart * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btHashInt >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btHashKey< btTriIndex > >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btHashPtr >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btHashString >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btIndexedMesh >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btMaterial * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btMaterialProperties >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btMatrix3x3 >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btMultiBody * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btMultiBodyConstraint * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btMultibodyLink >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btMultiBodySolverConstraint * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btMultiBodySolverConstraint >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btOptimizedBvh * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btOptimizedBvhNode >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btPersistentManifold * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btPlane >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btPointerUid >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btQuantizedBvhNode >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btQuaternion >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btRigidBody * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btScalar * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btScalar >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolverMt::btContactManifoldCachedInfo >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolverMt::JointParams >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btSimplePair >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btSimulationIslandManagerMt::Island * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btSoftBody * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btSoftBody::Node * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btSolverBody >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btSolverConstraint * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btSolverConstraint >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btSparseSdf::Cell * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btStridingMeshInterfaceData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btTransform >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btTriangle >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btTriangleIndexVertexArray * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btTriangleInfoMap * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btTriIndex >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btTypedConstraint * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btTypedConstraint::btConstraintInfo1 >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btVector3 >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btVector3DoubleData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btVector3FloatData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< btWheelInfo >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< char * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< char >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< class btHullTriangle * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Cluster * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< const btCollisionObject * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< const btDbvtNode * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< const char * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< const class btCollisionObject * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< ConvexH::HalfEdge >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< ePSolver::_ >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< eVSolver::_ >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Face >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< GIM_BVH_DATA >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< GIM_BVH_TREE_NODE >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< GIM_CONTACT >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< GIM_PAIR >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< int * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< int >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Island * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Joint * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Key >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Link >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Material * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Node >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Note >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< RContact >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< SContact >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< short * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< short >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< short int * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btCollisionObjectDoubleData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btCollisionObjectFloatData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btCollisionShapeData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btDynamicsWorldDoubleData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btDynamicsWorldFloatData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btQuantizedBvhDoubleData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btQuantizedBvhFloatData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btRigidBodyDoubleData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btRigidBodyFloatData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btSoftBodyDoubleData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btSoftBodyFloatData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btTypedConstraintData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btTypedConstraintDoubleData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< struct btTypedConstraintFloatData * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Tetra >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< unsigned char * >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< unsigned int >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< unsigned short int >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< Value >
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< void * >
 CbtBlockInternal structure for the btStackAlloc memory allocator
 CbtBroadphaseInterfaceInterface to detect aabb-overlapping object pairs
 CbtBroadphasePairPair of aabb-overlapping objects
 CbtBroadphaseProxyThe btBroadphaseProxy is the main class that can be used with the Bullet broadphases
 CbtBvhSubtreeInfoBtBvhSubtreeInfo provides info to gather a subtree of limited size
 CbtBvhTreeBasic Box tree structure
 CbtCapsuleShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtClockThe btClock is a portable basic clock that measures accurate time in seconds, use for profiling
 CbtCollisionAlgorithmBtCollisionAlgorithm is an collision interface that is compatible with the Broadphase and btDispatcher
 CbtCollisionAlgorithmCreateFuncUsed by the btCollisionDispatcher to register and create instances for btCollisionAlgorithm
 CbtCollisionConfigurationBtCollisionConfiguration allows to configure Bullet collision detection stack allocator size, default collision algorithms and persistent manifold pool size
 CbtCollisionObjectBtCollisionObject can be used to manage collision detection objects
 CbtCollisionObjectDoubleDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtCollisionObjectFloatDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtCollisionShapeInterface for collision shapes that can be shared among btCollisionObjects
 CbtCollisionShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtCollisionWorldCollisionWorld is interface and container for the collision detection
 CbtCompoundShapeChildDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtCompoundShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtConeShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtConeTwistConstraintDataThis structure is not used, except for loading pre-2.82 .bullet files
 CbtContactSolverInfoDoubleDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtContactSolverInfoFloatDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtConvexCastBtConvexCast is an interface for Casting
 CbtConvexHullComputerConvex hull implementation based on Preparata and Hong See http://code.google.com/p/bullet/issues/detail?id=275 Ole Kniemeyer, MAXON Computer GmbH
 CbtConvexHullShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtConvexInternalShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtConvexPenetrationDepthSolverConvexPenetrationDepthSolver provides an interface for penetration depth calculation
 CbtConvexSeparatingDistanceUtilThe btConvexSeparatingDistanceUtil can help speed up convex collision detection by conservatively updating a cached separating distance/vector instead of re-calculating the closest distance
 CbtCpuFeatureUtilityRudimentary btCpuFeatureUtility for CPU features: only report the features that Bullet actually uses (SSE4/FMA3, NEON_HPFP) We assume SSE2 in case BT_USE_SSE2 is defined in LinearMath/btScalar.h
 CbtCylinderShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtDbvtImplements a fast dynamic bounding volume tree based on axis aligned bounding boxes (aabb tree)
 CbtDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterfaceThis interface is made to be used by an iterative approach to do TimeOfImpact calculations This interface allows to query for closest points and penetration depth between two (convex) objects the closest point is on the second object (B), and the normal points from the surface on B towards A
 CbtDispatcherThe btDispatcher interface class can be used in combination with broadphase to dispatch calculations for overlapping pairs
 CbtDynamicsWorldDoubleDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtDynamicsWorldFloatDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtGearConstraintFloatDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtGenericMemoryPoolGeneric Pool class
 CbtGenericPoolAllocatorGeneric Allocator with pools
 CbtGeometryUtilThe btGeometryUtil helper class provides a few methods to convert between plane equations and vertices
 CbtGImpactBvhStructure for containing Boxes
 CbtGImpactMeshShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtGImpactQuantizedBvhStructure for containing Boxes
 CbtGjkEpaSolver2BtGjkEpaSolver contributed under zlib by Nathanael Presson
 CbtHashKey< Value >
 CbtHashKey< btTriIndex >
 CbtHashKeyPtr< Value >
 CbtHashMap< Key, Value >The btHashMap template class implements a generic and lightweight hashmap
 CbtHashMap< btHashInt, int >
 CbtHashMap< btHashKey< btTriIndex >, btTriIndex >
 CbtHashMap< btHashPtr, bParse::bChunkInd >
 CbtHashMap< btHashPtr, bStructHandle * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashPtr, btCollisionObject * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashPtr, btCollisionShape * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashPtr, btMultiBody * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashPtr, btOptimizedBvh * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashPtr, btPointerUid >
 CbtHashMap< btHashPtr, btTriangleInfoMap * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashPtr, const char * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashPtr, void * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashString, btCollisionObject * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashString, btCollisionShape * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashString, btRigidBody * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashString, btTypedConstraint * >
 CbtHashMap< btHashString, int >
 CbtHashStringVery basic hashable string implementation, compatible with btHashMap
 CbtHingeConstraintDoubleDataThis structure is not used, except for loading pre-2.82 .bullet files
 CbtHingeConstraintDoubleData2Do not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtIDebugDrawThe btIDebugDraw interface class allows hooking up a debug renderer to visually debug simulations
 CbtIndexedMeshThe btIndexedMesh indexes a single vertex and index array
 CbtIntSortPredicateOriginal version written by Erwin Coumans, October 2013
 CbtJacobianEntryJacobian entry is an abstraction that allows to describe constraints it can be used in combination with a constraint solver Can be used to relate the effect of an impulse to the constraint error
 CbtManifoldPointManifoldContactPoint collects and maintains persistent contactpoints
 CbtMaterialThis file was created by Alex Silverman
 CbtMaterialPropertiesThis file was created by Alex Silverman
 CbtMatrix3x3Implements a 3x3 rotation matrix, to perform linear algebra in combination with btQuaternion, btTransform and btVector3
 CbtMatrix3x3DoubleDataFor serialization
 CbtMatrix3x3FloatDataFor serialization
 CbtMatrixX< T >
 CbtMeshPartDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtMLCPSolverInterfaceOriginal version written by Erwin Coumans, October 2013
 CbtMotionStateThe btMotionState interface class allows the dynamics world to synchronize and interpolate the updated world transforms with graphics For optimizations, potentially only moving objects get synchronized (using setWorldPosition/setWorldOrientation)
 CbtMultiBodyDoubleDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtMultiBodyFloatDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtMultiBodySolverConstraint1D constraint along a normal axis between bodyA and bodyB. It can be combined to solve contact and friction constraints
 CbtOptimizedBvhNodeBtOptimizedBvhNode contains both internal and leaf node information
 CbtOverlappingPairCallbackAdditional optional broadphase user callback for adding/removing overlapping pairs, similar interface to btOverlappingPairCache
 CbtPersistentManifoldSortPredicateFunction object that routes calls to operator<
 CbtPoint2PointConstraintDoubleDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64 this structure is not used, except for loading pre-2.82 .bullet files do not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtPoint2PointConstraintDoubleData2Do not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtPoint2PointConstraintFloatDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtPolarDecompositionThis class is used to compute the polar decomposition of a matrix
 CbtPoolAllocatorAllows to efficiently allocate a large pool of objects, instead of dynamically allocating them separately
 CbtPrimitiveManagerBasePrototype Base class for primitive classification
 CbtQuadWordBase class for btVector3 and btQuaternion
 CbtQuantizedBvhStores an AABB tree that can be quickly traversed on CPU and Cell SPU
 CbtQuantizedBvhNodeBtQuantizedBvhNode is a compressed aabb node, 16 bytes
 CbtQuantizedBvhTreeBasic Box tree structure
 CbtRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfoThe btRigidBodyConstructionInfo structure provides information to create a rigid body
 CbtRigidBodyDoubleDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtRigidBodyFloatDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtRotationalLimitMotorRotation Limit structure for generic joints
 CbtScaledTriangleMeshShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtShapeHullBtShapeHull implemented by John McCutchan
 CbtSimulationIslandManagerSimulationIslandManager creates and handles simulation islands, using btUnionFind
 CbtSliderConstraintDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtSoftBodyFloatDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtSoftBodySolverOutputClass to manage movement of data from a solver to a given target
 CbtSolve2LinearConstraintConstraint class used for lateral tyre friction
 CbtSolverBodyThe btSolverBody is an internal datastructure for the constraint solver. Only necessary data is packed to increase cache coherence/performance
 CbtSolverConstraint1D constraint along a normal axis between bodyA and bodyB. It can be combined to solve contact and friction constraints
 CbtSparseSdf< CELLSIZE >
 CbtSparseSdf< 3 >
 CbtSpatialForceVectorThese spatial algebra classes are used for btMultiBody, see BulletDynamics/Featherstone
 CbtSpinMutexBtSpinMutex – lightweight spin-mutex implemented with atomic ops, never puts a thread to sleep because it is designed to be used with a task scheduler which has one thread per core and the threads don't sleep until they run out of tasks
 CbtStackAllocThe StackAlloc class provides some fast stack-based memory allocator (LIFO last-in first-out)
 CbtStaticPlaneShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtStridingMeshInterfaceThe btStridingMeshInterface is the interface class for high performance generic access to triangle meshes, used in combination with btBvhTriangleMeshShape and some other collision shapes
 CbtStridingMeshInterfaceDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtSymMatrix< T >BtSoftBody implementation by Nathanael Presson
 CbtTransformSupports rigid transforms with only translation and rotation and no scaling/shear
 CbtTransformFloatDataFor serialization
 CbtTransformUtilUtils related to temporal transforms
 CbtTriangleCallbackThe btTriangleCallback provides a callback for each overlapping triangle when calling processAllTriangles
 CbtTriangleInfoThe btTriangleInfo structure stores information to adjust collision normals to avoid collisions against internal edges it can be generated using
 CbtTriangleInfoDataThose fields have to be float and not btScalar for the serialization to work properly
 CbtTriangleMeshShapeDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtTypedConstraintDataThis structure is not used, except for loading pre-2.82 .bullet files
 CbtTypedConstraintFloatDataDo not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
 CbtTypedObjectRudimentary class to provide type info
 CbtUnionFindUnionFind calculates connected subsets
 CbtVector3BtVector3 can be used to represent 3D points and vectors
 CbtVectorX< T >
 CbtVehicleRaycasterBtVehicleRaycaster is provides interface for between vehicle simulation and raycasting
 CbtVoronoiSimplexSolverBtVoronoiSimplexSolver is an implementation of the closest point distance algorithm from a 1-4 points simplex to the origin
 CbtWheelInfoBtWheelInfo contains information per wheel about friction and suspension
 CbtConvexCast::CastResultRayResult stores the closest result alternatively, add a callback method to decide about closest/all results
 CbtSparseSdf< CELLSIZE >::Cell
 CPreallocatedMemoryHelper< N >::Chunk
 CbtCollisionWorld::ContactResultCallbackContactResultCallback is used to report contact points
 CbtCollisionWorld::ConvexResultCallbackRayResultCallback is used to report new raycast results
 Ccopy_elements_funcPrototype for copying elements
 CCProfileIteratorAn iterator to navigate through the tree
 CCProfileManagerThe Manager for the Profile system
 CCProfileNodeA node in the Profile Hierarchy Tree
 CCProfileSampleProfileSampleClass is a simple way to profile a function's scope Use the BT_PROFILE macro at the start of scope to time
 CDISTANCE_PLANE_3D_FUNCThis function calcs the distance from a 3D plane
 CbtConvexHullInternal::DMul< UWord, UHWord >
 CbtAxisSweep3Internal< BP_FP_INT_TYPE >::Edge
 CEPA< btConvexTemplate >
 CbtSoftBody::ePSolverEPSolver : positions solvers
 CbtSoftBody::eVSolverEVSolver : velocities solvers
 CGIM_AABBAxis aligned box
 Cgim_array< T >Very simple array container with fast access and simd memory
 Cgim_array< GIM_BOX_TREE_NODE >
 Cgim_array< GIM_CONTACT >
 Cgim_array< GIM_HASH_TABLE_NODE >
 Cgim_array< GIM_PAIR >
 Cgim_array< GUINT >
 CGIM_BOX_BOX_TRANSFORM_CACHEClass for transforming a model1 to the space of model0
 CGIM_BOX_TREEBasic Box tree structure
 CGIM_BOX_TREE_NODENode Structure for trees
 CGIM_BVH_DATAGIM_BVH_DATA is an internal GIMPACT collision structure to contain axis aligned bounding box
 CGIM_BVH_TREE_NODENode Structure for trees
 CGIM_CONTACTThe GIM_CONTACT is an internal GIMPACT structure, similar to btManifoldPoint
 CGIM_HASH_NODE_CMP_KEY_MACROMacro for comparing the key and the element
 CGIM_HASH_NODE_CMP_MACROMacro for comparing Hash nodes
 CGIM_HASH_NODE_GET_KEYMacro for getting the key
 Cgim_hash_table< T >A compact hash table implementation
 CGIM_PAIROverlapping pair
 CGIM_PRIMITIVE_MANAGER_PROTOTYPEPrototype Base class for primitive classification
 CGIM_RSORT_TOKEN_COMPARATORPrototype for comparators
 CGIM_ShapeRetrieverRetrieving shapes shapes
 CGIM_TRIANGLEClass for colliding triangles
 CGIM_TRIANGLE_CONTACTStructure for collision
 CGIM_TRIANGLE_CONTACT_DATAStructure for collision
 CGJK< btConvexTemplate >
 CHullLibraryCan create a convex hull from a collection of vertices, using the ComputeHull method
 Cinteger_comparatorPrototype for comparators
 CbtSparseSdf< CELLSIZE >::IntFrac
 CIslandBatchSizeSortPredicateFunction object that routes calls to operator<
 CbtAlignedObjectArray< T >::less
 Cless_comparatorMacros for sorting
 CbtCollisionWorld::LocalShapeInfoLocalShapeInfo gives extra information for complex shapes Currently, only btTriangleMeshShape is available, so it just contains triangleIndex and subpart
 Cmemcopy_elements_funcPrototype for copying elements
 CMinkowskiDiff< btConvexTemplate >
 CbtConvexHullInternal::Pool< T >
 CbtConvexHullInternal::Pool< btConvexHullInternal::Edge >
 CbtConvexHullInternal::Pool< btConvexHullInternal::Face >
 CbtConvexHullInternal::Pool< btConvexHullInternal::Vertex >
 CbtConvexHullInternal::PoolArray< T >
 CbtConvexHullInternal::PoolArray< btConvexHullInternal::Edge >
 CbtConvexHullInternal::PoolArray< btConvexHullInternal::Face >
 CbtConvexHullInternal::PoolArray< btConvexHullInternal::Vertex >
 CPreallocatedMemoryHelper< N >
 CbtCollisionWorld::RayResultCallbackRayResultCallback is used to report new raycast results
 CbtAlignedAllocator< T, Alignment >::rebind< O >
 CEPA< btConvexTemplate >::sFace
 CEPA< btConvexTemplate >::sHorizon
 CEPA< btConvexTemplate >::sList
 CGJK< btConvexTemplate >::sSimplex
 CGJK< btConvexTemplate >::sSV
 Cuint_key_funcPrototype for getting the integer representation of an object